Saturday, August 2, 2008


I have spent 3 days shopping; with my daughter, with my husband and by myself looking for something I'd like to wear to this wedding today. Alas, my hands thrown up, I found a blouse to wear, but nothing else. This blouse goes with many different things I have so not all is lost, I am just doing laundry and ironing this morning. We found pants for my husband but no shirts. We have been mixing and matching from out existing wardrobe and are gonna be alright.

There are fantastic sales going on now with men's shirts, but they are all long sleeved, and we want short. This wedding is being held outside and it's in the middle of the afternoon and it's gonna be in the high 90's! We'll go and enjoy ourselves.

The young man getting married we have known since Keith was in 3rd grade, he was K. first friend when we moved here. He is 3 hours younger then K. but their birthdays are on 2 consecutive days, and no matter where they are they always acknowledge their birthdays. This is the 3rd of K. friends who have gotten married since Dec. The 2nd wedding he has been a groomsman in since March.
Besides being in school together they also did scouts together. Keith stopped scouts when he started leading a Cell group (youth led Bible Study groups)in his freshman year in high school . We live just down the street from his parents, who are friends of ours. We are also expecting/hoping to see some other friends we haven't seen for some time, from the group of boys that used to hang out together. When they opened the new high school the kids friends were split in half on what school they would go to, so keeping in touch has been 'touchy' to say the least.
Have a good day
God Bless ♥

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I hope the wedding went well - sounds like some good memories there.

Isn't it funny how you can't find something when you need to, but can see things you like when you aren't? I don't shop much, and it's because I just don't enjoy it - this is why!

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