Friday, August 22, 2008

General Session

I don't know how many school districts have a General Session (translated- large pep rally) for their staff. There are more then 4,000 people that work within the school district in one capacity or another. It is in a sports stadium that is used for many different events. Brittney Spears, Cher, Hillary Duff to mention some top name singers have performed here (I am not impressed). As well as the Women of Faith Conference I attended last spring.

I don 't know about the acoustics for the singers, but for the WoF conference the sound was really good and clear. However, you can see how far my school was from the center. The sound was terrible. I could only hear half of what was said, really. I know it isn't my hearing, I get my hearing tested yearly because deafness/hearing loss runs in my mom's side of the family. Lots of recognitions, etc. as well as a pep speech from the district superintendent. It serves it's purpose to encourage and "pump" up your spirit for the new school year.
I guess I could say another day another dollar.

1 comment:

Dawn said...

I think I"m with you on that big doings - time better spent other ways!

So - when you come to Colorado, let me know!

Have a great last school year - retirement is great!

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