Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Living Well Wednesday

It has been a full and exciting week at our house. Our daughter and her little ones are visiting from Colorado (sadly they go home tomorrow). I have been doing fairly well eating and being busy doing things you do and enjoying my grandchildren and their mom. I ended up with a house full, as my eldest son came to visit his sister also. I actually weighed myself when I got up this morning (I got brave and made myself do it) and am back to where I was when we left or our trip to Oregon, a month ago. I have been trying to be good and watch it. My husband took some photos of me with the babes, and I sure do not like the way I look. The Bible says your body is a temple, so I need to be serious and really think hard on that one and put it into practice. I mean really, just what do I want that temple to look like! I am happy I lost my vacation weight. I pray about it and God says, I need to be responsible.
Have a great week and God Bless ♥ ♥


Denise said...

Glad you enjoyed your visit, be well and stay happy.

Marsha said...

Oh I'm with you on this one... "Just what do I want that temple to look like!" I know one thing, I DON'T want it to look like it does now! (FOR ME THAT IS!)

Have a blessed week.

Dawn said...

I'm right there with you on the WW thing - I just can't force myself to go to meetings any more, even if I wanted to spend the money! Been there, done that, know the program by heart - I have been doing fairly well, but just need to keep going!

Congrats on getting back to pre-vacation weight. It's so hard to keep on a plan while you're traveling.

Have fun with the grands! IT's been pretty hot back here in their neck of the woods, too!

Daily scripture