Saturday, May 24, 2008

Crazy weather!

(last year's photo ~ taken over Labor day)

Last week-end the weather was 102 on Saturday and Sunday! This is central California and today it is 53 outside and has been raining all morning! Don't get me wrong, we really need the rain! I am just glad this isn't later in the season when all the grapes are on the ground drying into raisins, because then the raisin and grape farmers would have a really big problem ~ called mold big time!
Have a great day! This weather will keep me inside to work on some of my end-of-the year projects ~ school is out in 2 weeks and I have much to do!
God bless! ♥ ♥ ♥

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The weather has been crazy. Last week they hit 115 here one day (fortunately while I was still gone ) then 2 days later we were in the 70's (cold for us this time of year). And we actually had rain!

I just love going to see the vineyards. Just so lovely.

Thank you for coming by my blog and for your continueing prayers. Our thoughts and prayers and with Jessica and her family.


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