Saturday, April 27, 2013

Dog sitting..........

I am dog sitting Winston and Guinness,  while E. & R. are going to his grandfather's 90th birthday celebration in S. Cal. They will be back tomorrow and head on home, Ryan has school on Monday and she has to work.
I like to take the dogs for walks, they enjoy it and it gets me out of the house.  I get some weird remarks about the dogs: how do they get along, wow-what a combination , a couple of the remarks people say.  I guess it isn't often you see a boxer and chihuahua walking together. They are best buddies and get along great!

Winston, the chihuahua, can come inside as the cats are not afraid of him and all are bigger.  Guinness only comes in at night when I put him in a room or have him on a lease, he chases the cats.  My poor sick Kittyboy is holding up in the garage so he doesn't have to deal with either one.  Winston has yet to figure out the 'doggy door', so he does not follow the cats into the garage (where litter and food are).

1 comment:

Denise said...

The dogs are really cute.

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