Sunday, April 22, 2007

Wet and cold.

It is kinda wet, cold and rainy (gloomy) outside this morning. I love the rain, so let it rain good. I dislike the gloom and darkness of just showers. Looks like it will be a good day for a fire in the fireplace, and then of course all the cats will lay in front of the fire to keep warm. Jonah will let Jade or Chloe warm up a spot then he will come and intimidate them - they will leave and he will get his spot already warmed up for him. Let me be a cat for just 24 hours and see how well I can sleep. I will find a nice warm spot and just curl up and snooze for all it's worth.
As you can see Chloe and Jonah found the fire and Jadie just curled up under a blanket, on my lap. Squirt he was next to the heater in the front room.

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