Saturday, March 21, 2009


It has been a long week, just random daily things I will spare you the details. I had Open House on Tuesday, and that kept me busy. I had a really good turn out, 18 of my 24 families came into the class. Talking with other staff at school, it was good all around. Usually spring Open House is not a good as the one in the fall ~ but it was a little better this year.

Here are some ramdom photos around the house. It seems we can't keep enough bird seed out to satisfy the birds. I am not sure what kind these are, but there can be as many as 6-9 little birds on the flat feeder and the one hanging next to it ~ at one time. Lots of doves also.
We have even had some pigeons showing up. Of course it drives the cats crazy as they are in the house looking out. The other birds do not want to be on the feeder with the pigeons. There have been a couple humming birds on occassion, but not many as they usually migrate. However, I will refresh their feeder today.
Some of the flowers are taking off also. The purple daisies are spilling onto the sidewalk.

My mom bought me this germanium when we bought the house as a house warming gift, sorta. It is doing great this year.

My iris's are georgeous, but they will soon be done.
The weather has been in the upper 70's all week. We are due for some rain tonight and tomorrow, then it will go back up to the 70's again.
We learned how to add color to drawings in photshop this week. So much stuff, it is very interesting but not very exciting. It is hard to stay awake during the videos. I brought a copy of the video home to "rewatch" it.
Have a Great day!


Unknown said...

I was touched by your comment on More God = Less Me... thinking about your mentor. I am saved 2 years, my mentor moved back in June of last year. I really miss her. I keep in touch with her through the phone and email, but it's not the same :)

My daughter (16) who loves birds, just told me that the 1st & 3rd birds in the first photo look like female house sparrows. The middle bird looks like a pine siskin.

Dawn said...

Our bird feeder continues to empty quickly - partly because of the pesky squirrel! We have the cutest little finches that come over regularly.

I can't believe your iris are almost finished - ours won't be here for another month or more.

Joan said...

Lovely Spring photos. We are still waiting for the flowers. Won't be too much longer. Good to hear from you again.


Cayla said...

Wow, I can't believe all the flowers you have already! :)
My mom commented on this, and I'm going to have to change my opinion on the bird in the middle of your first photo. One of the main differences between a Pine Siskin and a House Finch is bill shape, which I can't see here. (Siskin males also have yellow on the wings, but the females have a very small amount) I believe the wing bars aren't prominent enough to be a Pine Siskin, and, upon closer inspection, I see a bit of a red-ish wash on the forehead and breast, making it a male House Finch.

Daily scripture