Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Going outside.

The cats spend a lot of time at the front door looking outside and "dreaming." So we thought we'd give them a day out. Of course the first thing they do is run to the bushes and hide, except Chloe. We let them play for around 10 - 15 minutes. They have been much quieter in the house today, but then it is a little hotter today and they are a little more lethargic when it gets warmer, and it's only 83.8 right now.


Ro said...

Brandon said "those are cats!" Very perceptive of him. Then he named each one when I clicked on the pictures.

Ro said...

W3W3AAZQQQAQaQAAAAAAAAAAAAW Aw333333aqfrewFffafrraaace aacawwwwwwwwACRAFRIEAPOE

this is a comment from Brandon. He wanted to do what I was doing.

Daily scripture