Monday, August 3, 2009

Today is Monday

Today is Monday, and there is so much to do. Elizabeth had a good trip to NY and back, with her SIL. The first time E. has been in NY city. We went to NY in 2004 when we took a road trip back to visit my brother and his wife. We visited Niagara Falls, and my SIL took Keith and Elizabeth to Syracuse for a day where they did some sight seeing and shopping. We also visited with some friends in CO., my BIL and his girls in Ohio, and my aunt in NY. That was a great trip, and my mom having a fully contained motor home enabled us to do much sight seeing along the way, and take care of my mom and all her medical needs, etc. I am so glad we drove it, so much to see, but not enough time or money to see all of it. I especially liked not being on toll roads back east. There is so much old architecture to see (much older then in CA) and it is so beautiful, you miss it on the toll roads. More then the experience that we all enjoyed, I am so glad my mother was still with us to enjoy it. Of course, she had talked about it for years so we finally just did it. It was a great experience for us all, and the kids, being newly graduated from high school and 1 year out.

So much to do and so little time. Hopefully we will know today or tomorrow when Elizabeth is heading off to Korea. We need to go get her ticket at the base (about an hour away). She is and needs to finish getting their household items ready for the military to pick up and ship over. Between doing things, Thursday and Friday she and I are going to visit her brother in Santa Barbara, we are planning a going away party next Sunday eve. and a trip to Disneyland on her birthday. I also, pray that the base (in Korea) has a decent Christian church, as I am not sure what is off base. Please pray for her and Ryan.
After we know when she is leaving we will set dates for our trip to CO. We know when we have to be there, those dates were set in early July, so we will revolve around them. Sorry that she isn't able to go with us~~ but glad her sister and family were here in early July for a visit. However, Elizabeth will be with her husband, as she should be, and they will have some grand adventures of their own.
God bless


Ro said...

hi mom - you have our dates, so working your arrival anytime around those dates is fine. We don't mind if you want to drive or fly out. We have two cars, so we have plenty of transportation. The only constants we need to work around are the kids school and Brian's work.

Dawn said...

There are so many wonderful things going on in Korea in the Christian world!

Daily scripture