So much has gone on this last month. I really had not meant to let so much time pass between posts.
Elizabeth and her SIL had a good time in New York earlier this month. A quick but rewarding trip!
After she came home the wheels started moving. She was able to schedule her trip over to Korea, to join her husband, for Aug. 13.
Before that date, she and I went to Santa Barbara for a couple days. We planned out trip for Keith's days off. I had a very hard time finding a hotel that was within a reasonable price, for 1 night. As it went, we did not stay in
SB, instead got a room in Carpenteria, 10 miles away. What we did find out, there was a huge celebration going on celebrating Santa Barbara's Spanish Heritage. It was a 5 day celebration that had an 85 year history. Lots of people.
I gave Keith my car keys and let him show us around. He took us into the mountains above SB, and other places he liked to go or places he wanted to go.
He lives close to the pier, and we drove the 1st day, walked around and had lunch there. The 2nd day we walked from his place, which was good as the parade was huge and traffic was closed on the pier during the parade. We went into the aquarium on the pier. We watched this sea star crawl around the side and back of the container it was big and fast, for a star fish. Scientists do not want them called "star fish" any more, but "sea stars" instead. The term star fish will just have to eventually die out with those of us in the "older" generation and our children.
We went to the mission. We didn't go in, but did look around. It really is huge.
This is a picture I took off the pier. If you double click it, you can see the burned mountain range behind SB, where the massive fire was just this last May.
On the pier. We were watching some families fishing, throwing in their lines and pulling in Mackeral just as fast.
A couple days later we had a combination going away/ birthday party for Elizabeth.
We went to Disneyland for Elizabeth's birthday on the 11th. Keith met us there. Again I got a hotel, however, I was much luckier this time. I managed to get a nice one just outside the park. No "big" celebrations going on.
We, meaning Dan and I, had not been there for about 8 years, though both the kids had. This picture shows lots of people and Disney Town in the back ground. This used to be the parking lot. Not only when I was a child, but when my youngest were in grammer school. There is a 4 or 5 tier parking lot, that wasn't there 8 years ago.
We get a hotel because we stay very late and will not drive home the same night. Keith left around 8, but then he had work the next day and is much closer then we are.
We got home on the 12th, early afternoon. That evening we met with Ryan's family for pizza. Kinda of a going away for Elizabeth.
Here we are sitting, in the San Francisco airport, just before she goes to board her plane. It was a 12 hour, non-stop flight to Korea.
I admit, I was a little emotional when she left. She needed to go, she needs to be with her husband and we are excited and happy for her/them to be together~~ as they should be as husband and wife. It is just so far away. When we come back from Colorado we are going to get passports. We are planning at least one trip over. We need passports to go to Canada, as we do like to go to Vancouver Island.
We took over their household items that were here, to his folks for the army to pick up and ship over. Apparently they didn't come as scheduled, minor changes in scheduling, and will come on the 1st to get their things. I have also mailed over packages and her computer, (it had some surgery done). Those packages and her computer arrived a few days ago.
I helped set up my old classroom and have even subbed one day last week. School started last Monday.
Now I am up late, finishing some last minute things before we leave for Colorado.
We will take the dog to the vets in the morning, for boarding. The cats are taken care of. The little boy across the street is now 7, and he will earn some money for feeding our outside cat and filling the bird feeder for us. The gecko is with her former owner while we are gone. I gave the fish and the tank to my former classroom and teacher there (we are friends). It has been a busy month and gone by very fast.
My next post will be from Colorado, we will be there 10 days. One thing, besides family, I am looking forward to is some cooler weather. And some catch~up time on my e-mails and catching up on blogs.
God Bless